Also See ToTheWoods.Net's Hammock Camping Pages!

Are you a former backpacker who bought an RV because your back hurts too much to camp in the woods? Sleeping on the hard ground, with rocks and roots and mud, doesn't appeal to you anymore? But you miss the time in the wilderness and away from parking lots, don't you?

Then a camping hammock just might be for you! It's not a backyard hammock that makes your neck and back hurt, either. When you lay correctly in a camping hammock, the fabric supports your entire body so there are no pressure's like sleeping in a cloud. (Some people even sleep in them full time at home, instead of spending hundreds or thousands on a mattress.) They keep you up out of the mud, off the roots and rocks, and they even give you a chair-height place to sit so you can put on your hiking boots. Also, you never have to hunt for level ground.

If this sounds like something you're interested in, have a look at my other page and see what you can learn. You might just get back out To The Woods!

Most Popular Pages

Thermal Curtains
Added thermal curtains hang from the cabover so I can stop the heat transfer from the cab to the cabin. It'll keep the cabin warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Get The Details!!.

Window Insulation
I'm breaking up the individual mods onto their own pages, so I separated the Window Insulation page from the Winter Mods page, and gave the TV Wardrobe Mod its own page.

Stinky Slinky

Finished up the Sewer Hose Mod today. My Greyhawk came with a dedicated compartment for the sewer hose but the very convenient RhinoFlex brand hoses wouldn't fit in there. I enlarged the opening and replaced the pipe with a 5"x5" vinyl fencepost, then put a plastic gutter pipe in there. Now it all fits! And I can use the gutter pipe as a hose support during dumping.

TV Cabinet Swap

Easy mod that will make it much nicer for us to watch TV in bed, and almost doubled the storage area available in the center section of this wardrobe. I switched the bedroom TV from the top section to the middle section of the wardrobe so the picture won't look blacked out when we're lying in bed, and then I used the drawer face to make an overhead cabinet. See the project!

Fridge and Freezer Thermometer

Installed a Fridge and Freezer Thermometer set to monitor the current temp and the recorded min and max temps, and it has alarms for both transmitters in case the fridge turns itself off while we're driving, or the wind blows out the pilot light, etc.

19 January 2019:Although I haven't updated this page in some time, it still gets lots of traffic so I want to keep it online. However, I've been paying out of pocket for many years and I've put several thousand dollars into the page now. So it was a tough decision but I decided to put ads on it.

Please, if you find the information on this page useful, consider turning off your ad blocker (or whitelisting the site) so you can see the ads. Every little bit will help me keep this page up!

26 March 2013: Since our couch is on the slide-out, it sits a little high and we wanted an ottoman to make it more comfortable. We got a storage ottoman from's an ottoman, a table, and my son can use it to climb into the cabover bed so we don't need to bring the ladder anymore. See how useful it is!

22 January 2013: Started a page on Winter Mods and Tips to catalog changes we've made to the RV and tips to make winter RVing easier.

22 January 2013: Started on the Future Projects page to track some of the research on things I plan on doing in the future, like solar power and RV skirting. I'd be interested in your comments if you have experience in any of those things!

I'll move these to the Mods pages as I get them done.

21 January 2013: Created site and added Our Greyhawk page with pics of our first RV!

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